Friday 26 November 2010

New brief

Today i started the new brief. This is character modeling and i want to do a post apocalypse human/vampire for wolf man and i will make sure this is not cliché. I have done my 4 mood boards can can wait to do some sketches.

Friday 19 November 2010

Friday w00t

Today i have started my lighting in my scene, its modern lighting so it is very hard lighting and everything is quite bright and and a lot of my objects are are white so its looks good. I also have done my last mood board today this was just a general mood board of lighting i would use in my scene. I have my case studies at home so i will be working on them over the weekend and i will be putting my sketches together in my A3 sketch book and a story board.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Lighting with maya

Today in my first class i have done some tutorials on lighting. One of them was texturing an apple and the second and orange and the last was lighting with a spot light in a lamp on a table. These are some pictures of my work and some of the processes i worked thought to get my final work.

The lighting and the camera was the most difficult part of the tutorials but i had done materials before so it wasn't to bad.

Friday 29 October 2010


Relaxing Place (Airport)

I have chosen an Airport lounge for my relaxing place. I chose this because i had some really good ideas what i wanted to do for my scene. I have chosen to do a first class lounge with a bar and seating, i have tried to make it as modern as i can but it turned out futuristic. I have used a lot of a gloss texture for my bar, tables and seats. this makes it feel like everything is very clean and when the light hits the objects it gives good reflections. I have used the colours blue, red and white for my scene and they go well with eachother.

I feel that i had not done fully what i wanted because i ran out of time for adding some of the extra things. I was going to put shops around the outside of the lounge. I also had a lie down chair for people to sleep on and a storage space for there bags. I did fined Maya a lot harder than 3D max and that did slow down the process of making my scene and adding the stuff i wanted in it. The more i am using it though i am getting better and understanding the way Maya works.